Security & Privacy Center

This document summarizes the security features of the online version of InterActive LegalSuite published by ILS Management, LLC and addresses some Frequently Asked Questions regarding security and access to data. Please contact your Sales Representative if you have any additional questions regarding security or data access and storage.

This document outlines InterActive Legal’s MFA policy. The online version of InterActive LegalSuite published by ILS Management, LLC allows users to opt-in to using MFA to better secure their accounts and client data. Users with MFA enabled will be prompted to enter a valid email address and password (the first factor), as well as an authentication code generated using a third-party MFA authenticator app (the second factor).

This document summarizes InterActive Legal’s Online Data Retention Policy. ILS (InterActive LegalSuite) requests and stores only the data that is necessary for our users to draft documents. This includes information about your firm and its users, collected via Firm Preferences, and information about your clients, collected via client, matter, and document interviews. We also store information about your firm that is necessary for your subscription and access to our site. This includes firm name, and user’s names and email addresses.

This document contains the technical specifications for the online version of InterActive LegalSuite published by ILS Management, LLC (“InterActive Legal”), which is a completely online solution. All data entered into the online version is encrypted and stored on secure servers maintained by InterActive Legal and hosted by Amazon Web Services (AWS), with redundant backups. All application functions other than storage of assembled documents are performed online and do not require users to have a separate installation of HotDocs. Assembled documents are downloaded directly to the user’s computer or device and are not stored on InterActive Legal servers.

This document summarizes the processing and storage of client data in the online version of InterActive LegalSuite (the “Online System”), published by ILS Management, LLC. For purposes of this summary, “client data” refers to all data entered or imported into the Online System by a licensed user after accessing the Online System with such user’s login credentials, or by a client of such user via the client intake form function available in the Online System. “Client data” includes all information in text, date, or number fields, such as names, birthdates, and addresses, and all selections in response to prompts presented within the Online System or the client intake form.

This Privacy Notice describes what data InterActive Legal captures, how it uses this information, and how this data will be shared with others. Before you use our services, please read this Privacy Notice in its entirety, to help you make informed decisions about your relationship with us. If you have questions about this Privacy Notice, please do not hesitate to ask!

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