Family Entities, 2036, and Powell
In this webinar, the panelists will analyze the Powell case and provide their insight on how it may impact estate planners advising existing family entities.

Mr. Blattmachr is a Principal in ILS Management, LLC and a retired member of Milbank Tweed Hadley & McCloy LLP in New York, NY and of the Alaska, California and New York Bars. He is recognized as one of the most creative trusts and estates lawyers in the country and is listed in The Best Lawyers in America. He has written and lectured extensively on estate and trust taxation and charitable giving.

Professor Mitchell M. Gans is the Steven A. Horowitz distinguished professor in taxation at Hofstra University School of Law, and an Adjunct Professor of Law at NYU Law School. He is an Academic Fellow at ACTEC and is the Academic Editor of the ACTEC Journal. Professor Gans is a leading scholar in the estate-and-gift tax area, teaching courses for the IRS on estate and gift tax and valuation methodology. He is a frequent lecturer for ALI-ABA, NYU, ACTEC, the ABA and other groups and has written numerous articles on estate tax planning topics, including a recent Leimberg Information Services article, co-authored with Jonathan Blattmachr, on the Proposed Section 2704 Regulations.

Howard M. Zaritsky is an attorney who consults exclusively with other attorneys and estate planning professionals on estate tax and estate planning issues and serves as an expert witness on estate and trust administration and planning and related income, estate, gift and GST tax questions. He was for 20 years a partner in the Fairfax, Virginia law firm of Zaritsky & Zaritsky, where his practice was limited to estate planning and administration, and related tax matters.