CLE Approved

The Estate Planning Basics Series and the Estate Planning Tax Series have both been approved for 12 hours CLE credit by the State of Florida as a live webcast and online program*
InterActive Legal Academy courses are appropriate for estate planners in all jurisdictions. The program focuses mostly on federal tax law and also discusses provisions of various state law; it does not cover Florida law exclusively.
Other states may offer CLE credit for programs meeting their accreditation requirements. Attendees wishing to receive CLE credit in states other than Florida will be responsible for applying for credit in those states and submitting any documentation required with the application. InterActive Legal does not provide information on any particular state’s requirements for obtaining CLE credit or documentation intended specifically for the purpose of obtaining CLE credit in any particular state.
CLE credit, to the extent it is available, may be available only for sessions attended live, depending on state rules. A unique code will be provided to attendees during each session to establish proof of attendance.
*Attendees will receive a certificate of attendance for the number of course hours attended. Proof of attendance by providing the unique attendance codes will be required in order to receive the certificate of attendance for the number of hours attended.